I made some changes to a website for someone and it works and looks perfectly when I open them in chrome, but as soon as I upload them on to the iPage server and look at them on the actual site everything is broken. The index page is the only page that looks how it's suppose too. I've exhausted most of my resources and the person is furious. Anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing this?
If you haven't already, wrap all the buttons inside a container. Make the buttons width 25%, float them left and then position the container, as you haven't provided any code i'll provide an example for you. This should solve the problem.
Inside the container where the buttons are, create a new div and call it button container and wrap it around buttons.
<div id ="button_container">
//button tags go here
For CSS assign the width and height to the button container and for the buttons including the css you have now.
#button_container {width:25%; height:30px;} //example dimensions
#button1, #button2, #button3, #button4 {width:25%; height:100%; float:left;}
make sure the container has a margin so that is above the other content. you can also make the container 100% width to match the width of it's parent.