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Is it possible to use the gem Unread with the gem Public Activity?

I am currently using the gem 'Public Activity', and in the view I have a users activity filtered to only show that user the activities that apply to them, such as 'John Smith commented on your post'. However, I would like to add notifications to this, like facebook or twitter, where a badge shows a number, and when you see the feed the badge disappears.

I have found a gem called Unread which looks ideal, except it requires adding acts_as_readable :on => :created_at to your model, and as I'm using the public_activity gem the class is not accessible to add this.

Is it possible to inject the code the unread gem requires, into the PublicActivity:Activity class?


gem public_activity:

gem unread:


  • To anyone that may find this in future, i implemented a completely different system by data modelling my own notifications. Rather than using public activity and unread, I made a new model called notifications. This had the columns:


    Then, whenever I had a user comment or like etc, I built a new notification in the controller, passing in the following information:

        recipient =
        sender =
        post_id =
        type = "comment"    # like, or comment etc
        read = false        # read is false by default

    In the navigation bar I simply added a badge that counted the current_users unread notifications, based on an application controller variable.

        @unreadnotifications = current_user.notifications.where(read: false)
        <% if @unreadnotifications.count != 0 %>
            (<%= @unreadnotifications.count %>)
        <% end %>

    Then, in the notifications controller I had it run a mark_as_read action on the view. This then set the notification count back to 0.

        before_action :mark_as_read
        def mark_as_read
            @unread = current_user.notifications.where(read: false)
            @unread.each do |unread|
                unread.update_attribute(:read, true)