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What is correct Sampling frequency value?

what is correct Sampling frequency (sampling rate) in the given code? Is it 8kHz? I'm having trouble to find it.


  • This comment suggests 8kHz

    .equ        TIMECONST, #32000   ;Use 32000 samples (4 seconds) as constant to find peak

    and this section of the code specifically says "8KS/s"

    ;Setup Timer 1 for sampling delay: Tcy = 16MHz (64MHz Clock) 
        mov     #0x8000,w1      ;8KS/s at Tcy=16MHz
        mov     w1,T1CON        ;1:1, Int Clk, ON
        mov     #2000,W1        ;Load PR1 for delay, 8KS/s Sample Rate @16MHz Internal
        mov     w1,PR1