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Javascript Dynamic Table with each cell having an onmouse event?

I've created a dynamic table using Javascript. Now what I'm trying to do is for each cell that is dynamically generated, there is an onmouseover event that would change that particular cell's backgroundColor.

The problem I have is that when I generate the table and try to have an onmouseover function with each dynamically generated cell the function only works for the last generated cell.

Here's a copy of my code. (Note: I have only tested this on Chrome)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert title here</title>
	table, th, td {
		border: 1px solid black;
		border-collapse: collapse;
		padding: 5px;
		text-align: center;
<script type="text/javascript">
	var table;
	function init(){
		table = document.getElementById("mytable");
	function makeCells(){
		for(var a=0;a<20;a++){
			var row = table.insertRow(-1);
			for(var b=0;b<20;b++){
				cell = row.insertCell(-1);
				cell.innerHTML = a*b;
				cell.onmouseover = function(){ = "yellow";};
<body onload="javascript: makeCells();">
	<table id="mytable"></table>

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Some improvements. 3 things I would change:

    1. Don't edit inline styles with javascript. Instead, add or remove a class. see # 3.

    2. Don't do so many event handlers in your "onload", "onmouseover". Its better to add an event listener.

    3. It is better performance to add all of the new elements at one time instead of individually. See this article:

    Here is a way to optimize the Javascript:


    <table id="table"></table>


    body {
      padding: 40px;
    .yellow {
      background: yellow;
    td {
        padding: 10px 20px;
        outline: 1px solid black;


        function propegateTable() {
          var table = document.getElementById("table");
          //will append rows to this fragment
          var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
          for(var a=0; a<10; a++){ //rows
              //will append cells to this row
              var row = document.createElement("tr");
              for(var b=0;b<5;b++){ //columns
                var cell = document.createElement("td");
                cell.textContent = a + ", " + b;
                // event listener
                cell.addEventListener("mouseover", turnYellow);
          //everything added to table at one time
        function turnYellow(){