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Nginx Reverse Proxy settings

I am in the process of setting up a server configuration which consists of

  • A front end server running Nginx. Call it

  • Another server, also running Nginx, (on the same network and accessible via an internal IP, say which runs - amongst other things - phpRedisAdmin.

  • The front end server has a reverse proxy configuration that goes like this

    location ^~ /admin/ { proxy_pass; }

Now when I browse to `'

The Memcache Admin page turns up just right. An examination of console logs shows now errors. I then proceed to click the Add Another Key link which brings up the phpMemcachedAdmin edit form. When I examine the code for this form I see

<form action="/redisadmin/edit.php?s=0" method="post">

Now if I enter a key name, a value and click on the Add button in the form the browser attempts to post to

which promptly throws up a 404 since the action URL for the form should in fact have been

<form action="/admin/redisadmin/edit.php?s=0" method="post">

Somewhere along the way the /admin bit got lopped off. I suspect that this is down to invalid Nginx reverse proxy settings. However, I am a novice when it comes to this so I have no idea how I should correct the problem.


  • Have checked the page of redis admin and found it reads the request URI from server side, which means it will include the leading slash '/' in the URL for the post form:

    <form action="<?php echo format_html($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])?>" method="post">

    You have the remove the leading slash in php so you can post to correct address when access via reverse proxy. However, as a workaround, you can rewrite the URL in nginx to fix it.

    location / {
        rewrite ^/redisadmin/(.*)$ /admin/redisadmin/$1 last;

    Add the above rewrite rule to your setting in '/' seciton, see if it works.