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Is this grammar LR(1)?

A bit confused about whether this grammar is ambiguous or not

C' -> C
C -> d C u C
C -> d C
C -> ε

I tried building the DFA for this but I get this in one of the states:

C -> d C DOT u C, $
C -> d C DOT, $

Isn't this a shift-reduce conflict, so surely it means the grammar is not LR(1)? Or does it reduce regardless since $ and u are both in the follow set of C?


  • It does have a shift-reduce conflict. Here's the state machine produced by selecting shift. The conflict is in state 4. state machine

    I should point out that your question is a bit off. A grammar can be unambiguous and still not LR(1).

    But this one happens to be provably ambiguous. Consider the string ddudu. Two leftmost derivations are


    The existence of these says the grammar is ambiguous.

    Proving a general grammar ambiguous is an undecidable problem: there can be no algorithm for it. Happily this one is not so hard to sort out.