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different formats for TabularAdapter columns?

I've found that I can apply a format to ALL the columns in a TabularAdapter by adding a statement like this to the TabularAdapter declaration: format = '%7.4f'.

However, I'd like to have different formatting for each column in the this possible? I've tried to specify the format for just column index 2 (as seen in the example below), but it doesn't apply to just that column. I've been searching for how to do this correctly, but so far have found nothing.

Here's a little example file:

from traits.api import HasTraits, Array

from traitsui.api import View, Group,Item, TabularEditor
from traitsui.tabular_adapter import TabularAdapter
from numpy import dtype

test_dtype = dtype([('Integer#1', 'int'), ('Integer#2', 'int'), ('Float', 'float')])

class testArrayAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    columns = [('Col1 #', 0), ('Col2', 1), ('Col3', 2)]
    even_bg_color = 0xf4f4f4 # very light gray
    width = 125

class test(HasTraits):
    test_array = Array(dtype=test_dtype)

    view = View(
        Item(name = 'test_array',
            show_label = False,
            editor     = TabularEditor(adapter = testArrayAdapter()),
        Item(name = 'test_array',
            show_label = False,
            editor     = TabularEditor(adapter = testArrayAdapter(column=2, format='%.4f')),

Test = test()
Test.test_array.resize(5, refcheck = False)

What I'd like to see is to have the 3rd column have the 4 decmals (it is a float after all), while columns 1 & 2 are presented as just integers.


  • There are at least two ways you can do this. One is to override the method get_format(self, object, name, row, column) of the TabularAdapter in your adapter class, and have it return the appropriate format based on the column argument. E.g.

        def get_format(self, object, name, row, column):
            formats = ['%d', '%d', '%.4f']
            return formats[column]

    Another method is to use the "traits magic" that is implemented in the TabularAdapter class. In your subclass, you can set the format for a column by defining a specially named Str trait. One set of names that works for a numpy structured array such as your test_array is

        object_0_format = Str("%d")
        object_1_format = Str("%d")
        object_2_format = Str("%.4f")

    (See the TabularAdapter documentation, and this file in the github repo for more information.)

    Here's a modified version of your script that demonstrates both approaches. For variety, I used the format "%04d" for the first column. (I hope you don't mind the gratuitous name and style changes.)

    from traits.api import HasTraits, Array, Str
    from traitsui.api import View, Item, TabularEditor
    from traitsui.tabular_adapter import TabularAdapter
    from numpy import dtype
    test_dtype = dtype([('Integer#1', 'int'),
                        ('Integer#2', 'int'),
                        ('Float', 'float')])
    class TestArrayAdapter1(TabularAdapter):
        columns = [('Col1 #', 0), ('Col2', 1), ('Col3', 2)]
        even_bg_color = 0xf4f4f4  # very light gray
        width = 125
        def get_format(self, object, name, row, column):
            formats = ['%04d', '%d', '%.4f']
            return formats[column]
    class TestArrayAdapter2(TabularAdapter):
        columns = [('Col1 #', 0), ('Col2', 1), ('Col3', 2)]
        even_bg_color = 0xf4f4f4  # very light gray
        width = 125
        object_0_format = Str("%04d")
        object_1_format = Str("%d")
        object_2_format = Str("%.4f")
    class Test(HasTraits):
        test_array = Array(dtype=test_dtype)
        view = \
                Item(name='test_array', show_label=False,
                Item(name='test_array', show_label=False,
    test = Test()
    test.test_array.resize(5, refcheck=False)