Search code examples

NSDirectoryEnumerator and enumerate entire root volume

I'm trying to enumerate my entire root volume using NSDirectoryEnumerator to get an array of all of the files. While this can be done it's slow and uses a ton of memory.

Is there a better way? If so, how and I would rather have less memory usage than performance.


This is what I'm using:

    NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
    NSMutableArray *files = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    NSString *dp = @"/";
    NSDirectoryEnumerator *dirEnum = [fm enumeratorAtPath:dp];
    NSString *filePath;
    NSString *fullFilePath;

    BOOL isDir;
    filePath = [dirEnum nextObject];
    while (filePath) {
            fullFilePath = [dp stringByAppendingPathComponent:filePath];
            [fm fileExistsAtPath:fullFilePath isDirectory:&isDir];
            if (isDir==false) {
                [files addObject:fullFilePath];
            filePath = [dirEnum nextObject];


  • I'm having similar issue too. This is using Swift these are the two I got to work. The longer one uses less memory.

    let fileManager:NSFileManager = NSFileManager()
    let files = fileManager.enumeratorAtPath("/")
    while let file: AnyObject = files?.nextObject() {
        if file.hasSuffix("pst") {
        self.OutPutText.stringValue += "\(file) \n"

    second example:

    func searchPst(path: String) {
        let files = NSFileManager.defaultManager();
        let dir = files.contentsOfDirectoryAtPath(path, error: nil);
        if dir == nil{
        var isDir : ObjCBool = false
        for file in dir! {
            var file2 = path + (file as! String)
            if path != "/"{
                file2 = path + "/" + (file as! String)
            if files.fileExistsAtPath(file2, isDirectory:&isDir)
                if isDir{
                    if path == "/" {
                        if path == "/Volumes"
                            let file3 = path + "/" + (file as! String)
            if file.hasSuffix("pst") {
                if path == "/"{
                    OutPutText.stringValue += path + (file as! String) + "\n"
                    OutPutText.stringValue += path + "/" + (file as! String) + "\n"