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python how to uppercase some characters in string

Here is what I want to do but doesn't work:

mystring = "hello world"
toUpper = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y']
array = list(mystring)

for c in array:
    if c in toUpper:
        c = c.upper()

"e" and "o" are not uppercase in my array.


  • You can use the str.translate() method to have Python replace characters by other characters in one step.

    Use the string.maketrans() function to map lowercase characters to their uppercase targets:

        # Python 2
        from string import maketrans
    except ImportError:
        # Python 3 made maketrans a static method
        maketrans = str.maketrans 
    vowels = 'aeiouy'
    upper_map = maketrans(vowels, vowels.upper())

    This is the faster and more 'correct' way to replace certain characters in a string; you can always turn the result of mystring.translate() into a list but I strongly suspect you wanted to end up with a string in the first place.


    >>> try:
    ...     # Python 2
    ...     from string import maketrans
    ... except ImportError:
    ...     # Python 3 made maketrans a static method
    ...     maketrans = str.maketrans 
    >>> vowels = 'aeiouy'
    >>> upper_map = maketrans(vowels, vowels.upper())
    >>> mystring = "hello world"
    >>> mystring.translate(upper_map)
    'hEllO wOrld'