I have python module 'test.p'y with function 'threads' accepting function 'ping' as argument which works as expected
def ping(ip):
print "ping", ip
def port(ip):
print "port", ip
def threads(conn, ip):
threads(ping, 'address')
giving me output of ping('address') same as threads(ping, 'address')
python test.py
ping address
ping address
Now I need to replace function 'threads' with class 'Threads' and use function 'ping' as class attribute which doesn't work
def ping(ip):
print "ping", ip
def port(ip):
print "port", ip
class Threads():
def __init__(self, func, addr):
self.conn = func
self.ip = addr
def popqueue(self):
print "popqueue"
def dequeue(self):
def start(self):
threads = Threads(ping, 'address')
and this gives an error below:
python rep2.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "rep2.py", line 78, in threads.start()
File "rep2.py", line 42, in start self.dequeue()
File "rep2.py", line 39, in dequeue self.conn()AttributeError: 'Threads' object has no attribute 'conn'
How do i do it correctly ?
There's nothing wrong with the posted code. Works fine.
Note, that contrary to what you've wrote, you set an instance attribute, and not a class attribute.