After upgrading ionic framework to latest release candidate, $ionicActionSheet
has started misbehaving. It shows correct format with colors etc when displayed in Chrome browser using ionic serve
but when I install the App on Android device it displays a plain white background for $ionicActionSheet
Here are two samples
Anyone has any clue please?
I inspected the page and realized that I can override the classes that ActionSheet is using. Here are various classes at different levels of nesting.
<div class="action-sheet-wrapper action-sheet-up">
<div class="action-sheet" ng-class="{'action-sheet-has-icons': $actionSheetHasIcon}">
<div class="action-sheet-group action-sheet-options">
<!-- ngIf: titleText -->
<div class="action-sheet-title ng-binding" ng-if="titleText" ng-bind-html="titleText">Select an Option</div>
<!-- end ngIf: titleText -->
<!-- ngRepeat: b in buttons -->
<button class="button action-sheet-option ng-binding" ng-click="buttonClicked($index)" ng-repeat="b in buttons" ng-bind-html="b.text">Show Page Settings</button>
<!-- end ngRepeat: b in buttons -->
<button class="button action-sheet-option ng-binding" ng-click="buttonClicked($index)" ng-repeat="b in buttons" ng-bind-html="b.text">About us</button>
<!-- end ngRepeat: b in buttons -->
<button class="button action-sheet-option ng-binding" ng-click="buttonClicked($index)" ng-repeat="b in buttons" ng-bind-html="b.text">Version History</button>
<!-- end ngRepeat: b in buttons -->
<button class="button action-sheet-option ng-binding" ng-click="buttonClicked($index)" ng-repeat="b in buttons" ng-bind-html="b.text">Rate</button>
<!-- end ngRepeat: b in buttons -->
<button class="button action-sheet-option ng-binding" ng-click="buttonClicked($index)" ng-repeat="b in buttons" ng-bind-html="b.text">Search on Server</button>
<!-- end ngRepeat: b in buttons -->
<button class="button action-sheet-option ng-binding" ng-click="buttonClicked($index)" ng-repeat="b in buttons" ng-bind-html="b.text">Refresh Menu</button>
<!-- end ngRepeat: b in buttons -->
<button class="button action-sheet-option ng-binding" ng-click="buttonClicked($index)" ng-repeat="b in buttons" ng-bind-html="b.text">Quit</button>
<!-- end ngRepeat: b in buttons -->
<!-- ngIf: destructiveText -->
<!-- ngIf: cancelText -->
<div class="action-sheet-group action-sheet-cancel" ng-if="cancelText">
<button class="button ng-binding" ng-click="cancel()" ng-bind-html="cancelText">Cancel</button>
<!-- end ngIf: cancelText -->
Hope that helps someone out there.