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How to expand hierarchical data with simple.odata.client

In our data model we have hierarchical data. We have for example the following structure:

Product  : Category       (one to many)
Category : CategoryType   (one to many)

If we want to have a certain Product's related categories and also each category's related categorytypes we can build this up with a url like this:


This works fine in the browser. The question is how this can be done in the simple.odata.client OData v4? We are trying this but not getting it to to work:

var client = new ODataClient(ConfigSettingsProvider.ODataBaseUri);
var client
    .Filter(p=> p.Id == 1)
    .Expand(p => p.Categories)
    .Expand(c => c.CategoryTypes)


  • Please check Simple.OData.Client tests that contain both untyped, typed and dynamic versions:


    public async Task ExpandOne()
    var product = (await _client
    Assert.Equal("Condiments", (product["Category"] as IDictionary<string, object>)["CategoryName"]);
    public async Task ExpandMany()
    var category = await _client
      .Filter("CategoryName eq 'Beverages'")
    Assert.Equal(12, (category["Products"] as IEnumerable<object>).Count());
    public async Task ExpandSecondLevel()
    var product = (await _client
    Assert.Equal(12, ((product["Category"] as IDictionary<string, object>)["Products"] as IEnumerable<object>).Count());


    public async Task ExpandOne()
    var product = (await _client
      .OrderBy(x => x.ProductID)
      .Expand(x => x.Category)
    Assert.Equal("Condiments", product.Category.CategoryName);
    public async Task ExpandManyAsArray()
    var category = await _client
      .Expand(x => x.Products)
      .Filter(x => x.CategoryName == "Beverages")
    Assert.Equal(12, category.Products.Count());
    public async Task ExpandManyAsList()
    var category = await _client
      .Expand(x => x.Products)
      .Filter(x => x.CategoryName == "Beverages")
    Assert.Equal(12, category.Products.Count());
    public async Task ExpandManyAsIList()
    var category = await _client
      .Expand(x => x.Products)
      .Filter(x => x.CategoryName == "Beverages")
    Assert.Equal(12, category.Products.Count());
    public async Task ExpandManyAsICollection()
    var category = await _client
      .Expand(x => x.Products)
      .Filter(x => x.CategoryName == "Beverages")
    Assert.Equal(12, category.Products.Count());
    public async Task ExpandSecondLevel()
    var product = (await _client
      .OrderBy(x => x.ProductID)
      .Expand(x => x.Category.Products)
    Assert.Equal(12, product.Category.Products.Length);