I am new to e2e testing and I am writing e2e test cases for my angular aplication. Here I am creating a patient and I want to book an appointment for the same patient. This is the code
it('Add Patient', function(){
var fname = element(by.model('newrecord.firstName')).sendKeys('Riaz');
element( by.css('[ng-click="ok()"]') ).click();
it('Create Appointment', function(){
I am getting the below error
ReferenceError: fname is not defined
How to pass variable to sendKeys?
// Page Object
var recordPage = {
firstNameElm: element(by.model('newrecord.firstName')),
patientIdElm: element(by.model('newrecord.patientId')),
okBtnElm: element(by.css('[ng-click="ok()"]')),
// Test data
var testData = {
patient: {
idTxt: 'Riaz001',
firstName: 'Riaz',
it('adds patient', function() {
it('creates an appointment', function() {
// not sure what you want to send here but should be text not an ElementFinder