I am trying to use geokit-rails' .within helper method in a model instance method. Take a look here:
def self.crunch
users = User.all
users.each do |user|
last_movement = Movement.where(user_id: user.id).try(:last)
if last_movement
users_near = Movement.where("user_id != ?", user.id).within(5, :origin => last_movement.user_lat, last_movement.user_lng)
if users_near.first
users_near.each do |near|
#Make sure they don't exist in MB table
#Check for interests
I keep getting the error when I try to run the method: "SyntaxError: /Users/arsood/Documents/Consulting/SweetGlue_Service/app/models/matchbox.rb:10: syntax error, unexpected ')'"
Line 10 is:
users_near = Movement.where("user_id != ?", user.id).within(5, :origin => last_movement.user_lat, last_movement.user_lng)
When I remove the line it works fine. Is there a different way I need to call Geokit methods inside of a model rather than a controller?
I think the point is that origin needs a point or an array of lat and lng, you're passing 2 arguments so the synatx is wrong
This should work without problems
users_near = Movement.where("user_id != ?", user.id).within(5, :origin => [last_movement.user_lat, last_movement.user_lng])
Allow me to add a few notes on your code
always returns an active record relation, and running last
on that would return nil if there's no records, no need to use try
Movement.where(user_id: user.id).last
if you are using rails 4, there's a nice not
method for active record,
so you can change your query to something like this
Movement.where.not(user_id: user.id).within(5, origin: [last_movement.user_lat, last_movement.user_lng])
if you add an instance method that returns a point array that would be helpful
class Movement < ActiveRecord::Base
def point
[ user_lat, user_lng ]
The query would be simpler
users_near = Movement.where.not(user_id:user.id).within(5, origin: last_movement.point)
I'm not sure what the users loop does, but i think it could be improved, if you explain what it's intended to do i could help with that too.