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Extracting data from generator object

Use several CSV files to create data frame that I want to filter with several pandas .asfreq() options, create generator object, sort and list top results.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np 

N = 100
dates = pd.date_range('19971002', periods=N, freq='B')
pieces = (df, df1)
data = pd.concat((pieces), join='outer', axis = 1)
df['custIndex'] = (df.groupby([df.index.year, df.index.month]).cumcount()+1)   # 'CI' =  custIndex increments by 1 for each occurance since month inception


time_sets = ['W-Mon', 'W-Tue']
for time_set in time_sets:
    grouped = data.asfreq(time_set).groupby(df.custIndex).sum()
    print time_set
    print grouped.head()

              A         B
1          1.827512 -0.487051
3         -0.463776 -0.002071
6          2.074173 -0.232500
8         -0.282901  0.575820
11         0.505265 -3.844740
              A         B
2          1.347802 -0.738638
4          0.273424  0.218833
7          1.439177  3.671049
9          1.722703 -0.962877
12        -3.415453  1.123824

Here's where I get in trouble, goal is to sort values column 'A' and 'B' (top values first), and extract custIndex with highest values, and list custIndex, value and column.

t = (group.sort_index(by='',ascending=True)for key, group in grouped)

Need help with what to sort by, tried several('CI', 'key') things without luck.

<generator object <genexpr> at 0x000000000AA9A318>

top = pd.DataFrame()

for line in t:
top = top.append(line)

ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

Goal would look like:

custIndex   value     time_set  Column
6           2.074173  W_MON     A
1           1.827512  W-MON     A
9           1.722703  W-TUE     B


  • In order for your generator expression to work, you need to amend it as follows:

    t = (group.sort_index(ascending=True) for key, group in grouped.iteritems())

    Even though it may 'work', it may still not do what you are intending. To see the output, you can try:

    for line in t:
        print line

    For a proposed solution, how about:

    top_n = 5  # The number of top items returned.
    goal = pd.DataFrame([[None] * 4] * top_n,  # 4 = number of columns
                        columns=['custIndex', 'value', 'time_set', 'Column'])
    for time_set in time_sets:
        grouped = data.asfreq(time_set).groupby(df.custIndex).sum()
        t = (group for group in grouped.unstack().iteritems())
        for [column, custIndex], val in t:
            if val > min(goal.value):
                # Append item to end of goal DataFrame and then re-sort.
                goal.iloc[-1] = [custIndex, val, time_set, column]
                goal.sort('value', ascending=False, inplace=True)
    goal.set_index(['custIndex', 'time_set', 'Column'], inplace=True)
    >>> goal
    custIndex time_set Column          
    12        W-Tue    B       3.048822
    5         W-Fri    A        2.63997
    18        W-Wed    B       2.570899
    10        W-Wed    B       2.493457
    19        W-Thu    B       2.164974