I have a pandas dataframe that I want to use in a vincent visualization. I can visualize the data, however, the X axis should be displayed as dates and instead the dates are just given an integer index of 500, 1000, 1500, etc.
The dataframe looks like this:
weight date
0 125.200000 2013-11-18
Truncated for brevity.
My vincent code in my ipython notebook:
chart = vincent.Line(df[['weight']])
chart.axis_titles(x='Date', y='Weight')
How can I tell vincent that my dataframe contains dates such that the X axis labels are just like the dataframe's dates above, i.e. 2013-11-18?
ok, so here's what I did. I ran into this problem before with matplotlib, and it was so painful that wrote a blog post about it (http://codrspace.com/szeitlin/biking-data-from-xml-to-plots-part-2/). Vincent is not exactly the same, but essentially you have to do 4 steps:
df['date_objs'] = df['date'].apply(pandas.to_datetime)
make your datetime objects into your index
df.index = df.index.values.astype('M8[D]')
tell vincent you want to plot your data (weight) as the y-axis. It will automatically use the index of your dataframe as the x-axis.
chart = vincent.Line(plot[['weight']])
chart.axis_titles(x='dates', y='weight')