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TFS Alert for check-in by certain users only

I have a team of nine, but four including myself are senior developers. We don't review each others work, but I'd like to get alerts for check-ins of the junior developers.

The devs here do many many micro-checkins. So email spams up pretty quick. However, I can cut that in half if I subscribe to only alerts of the five junior devs.

In the Alert Filters, there are 9 fields, "Committer" is the only thing that could possibly be related to what I want to filter by. However, I've found articles that say that is not the right field and that the CheckInPolicy/Owner field is the right one. That isn't an option though.

So how do I receive alerts just for check-ins just for these specific five people?


  • I had the same issue and was able to set up this type of alert successfully by using the user's domain username. For example "Committer = MYDOMAIN\DomainUsername"