I have a table like below
I want to hide the rows where ALL 3 columns are 0. All the columns are of INT data type
My expression is like so:
=IIF((Fields!PastVal.Value=0) AND (Fields!DatePay=0) AND (Fields!Line.Value=0),False,True)
But no data is returned except the column label(heading). What could be wrong with my express?
Are you using Row Visibility? The True or False is for Hiding the Row yet you set it to false if they equal 0.
=IIF((Fields!PastVal.Value=0) AND (Fields!DatePay=0) AND (Fields!Line.Value=0), True, False)
That still doesn't fix the issue though - some columns should have been displayed since you have data in your example.
Are your data rows using SUM? If so, your expression would need to SUM also.
=IIF(SUM(Fields!PastVal.Value) = 0 AND SUM(Fields!DatePay.Value) = 0 AND SUM(Fields!Line.Value) = 0, True, False)