Search code examples

Product template search view wrong behavior odoo

In product template search view is defined a field to do search by product attributes:

<field string="Product Variant" name="product_variant_ids" filter_domain="['|', ('','ilike',self), ('','ilike',self)]"/>

product_variants_ids is a one2many field in product.template. When I write some attribute value, it brings the correct record, but if I write the atrribute name, it brings nothing, for example, in attribute page for some product I have:

MEMORY      32gb
COLOR       red

If I type 32gb, it brings record, whereas if I type MEMORY, brings nothing

Can any one help me? I would like to understand filter_domain


  • in the search view documentation, they say :

    Possible children elements of the search view are:


    fields define domains or contexts with user-provided values. When search domains are generated, field domains are composed with one another and with filters using AND.

    Fields can have the following attributes:


    • filter_domain

      complete domain to use as the field’s search domain, can use a self variable to inject the provided value in the custom domain. Can be used to generate significantly more flexible domains than operator alone (e.g. searches on multiple fields at once)

      If both operator and filter_domain are provided, filter_domain takes precedence.

    so for your example, with this as filter_domain :


    if you search MEMORY, it will be searched in one of the two given fields (by an ilike which is equivalent to sql's field ILIKE '%MEMORY%' for your example). field

    the searched value will be 'ilike'd with

    product_variants_ids is a one2many to a list of product.product.

    the name of a product is the name of his product.template.

    so this enable us to find product.template by name (similar to ('name', 'ilike', self) but will find only the product.template with a variant). field

    product_variant_ids is still a list of product.product. attribute_value_ids is a many2many to product.attribute.value.

    and the name of this product.attribute.value is the attribute value, so in your given case 32gb or red.


    So, this filter will not find MEMORY or COLOR, these are available in fields :

    In a product view, you can search on tue attribute names (without change) like this :

    • doing an Advanced Search,
    • Choosing Product Attributes contains memory,
    • Clicking on Apply.

    gui way to do a search on product attribute