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countdown in vba userform triggered by a function

I would like to start a countdown form from a running code. The problem is if I state

> TimerForm.Show

Then the user form is shown, however the countdown is not triggered. How can I trigger a countdown simply from a function where the countdown is shown in the user form TimerLabel, like below

TimerForm.TimerLabel.Caption = Format(TimeSerial(0, 0, nTime), "hh:mm:ss") & " seconds "

nTime would then be decreased from an initial value of 30 seconds.

The answer Below totally solves the problem. The cancel button for the Timer should be

    Private Sub CancelTimer_Click()

Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=earliest, _
                       Procedure:=handler, _
Unload Me
End Sub

If not the Application.OnTime continues running in the background.


  • Do not know if understand the question correctly, but here are some thouhts. HTH

    Standard module code

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub test()
        ' One possibility with modeless user form
        ' In this case it is possible to start timer after 
        ' timer form was displayed, because the form is modeless
        ' TimerForm.Show vbModeless
        ' TimerForm.StartTimer
        ' Other possiblity with modal user form
        ' In this case the StartTimer has to be called 
        ' from inside of user form because the form is modal.
    End Sub
    Public Sub TimerElapsed()
    End Sub

    TimerForm class module code

    ' More info about OnTime:
    Option Explicit
    Private Const interval As Integer = 1 ' second
    Private Const countdownInit As Integer = 30 ' seconds
    Private Const handler As String = "TimerElapsed"
    Private earliest As Double
    Private countdown As Integer
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        countdown = countdownInit
    End Sub
    Private Sub Cancel_Click()
        Unload Me
    End Sub
    Public Sub StartTimer()
        earliest = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, interval)
        Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=earliest, _
                           Procedure:=handler, _
    End Sub
    Public Sub StopTimer()
        On Error Resume Next
        countdown = 0
        Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=earliest, _
                           Procedure:=handler, _
    End Sub
    Public Sub OnTimerElapsed()
        If countdown <= 0 Then
            Me.TimerLabel.Caption = "00:00:00 seconds "
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim timerInfo As String
        timerInfo = Format(TimeSerial(0, 0, countdown), "hh:mm:ss")
        Me.TimerLabel.Caption = timerInfo & " seconds "
        countdown = countdown - interval
        StartTimer ' <--- 'How can I trigger a countdown simply 
                   ' from a function where the countdown is shown
                   ' in the user form TimerLabel ...' 
                   ' Here the OnTime is re-scheduled for next call.
    End Sub