Is it not possible to access the data in the memory of a TidBytes buffer with typecasting? Say I have:
TMyRecord = packed record
Field1 : integer ;
Field2 : packed array [0..1023] of byte ;
end ;
Buffer : TIdBytes ;
MyRecord : TMyRecord ;
IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.ReadBytes (Buffer, SizeOf (TMyRecord), false) ;
with TMyRecord (Buffer) do // compiler snags with "invalid typecast"
OK, so I can use:
BytesToRaw (Buffer, MyRecord, SizeOf (TMyRecord)) ;
but is there no way of accessing the data directly without the overhead of copying it?
Is it not possible to access the data in the memory of a TidBytes buffer with typecasting?
is a dynamic array of bytes, so you have to use a type-cast if you want to interpret its raw bytes in any particular format.
is there no way of accessing the data directly without the overhead of copying it?
A dynamic array is implemented by the compiler/RTL as a pointer to a block allocated elsewhere in memory. So you can use a pointer type-cast to interpret the content of the block, eg:
PMyRecord = ^TMyRecord;
TMyRecord = packed record
Field1 : integer ;
Field2 : packed array [0..1023] of byte ;
end ;
Buffer: TIdBytes ;
IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.ReadBytes (Buffer, SizeOf(TMyRecord), false) ;
with PMyRecord(Buffer)^ do