i'm trying to create a method that has a class as one of his parameters. when I send from the client to the server i found that the object send is always empty this is my .h file that i used to generate the server and the client
class FamilleProduit
int Id;
std::string Libelle;
int getId();
void setId(int value);
std::string getLibelle();
void setLibelle(std::string value);
int ns__ajouterByType ( FamilleProduit familleproduit, bool* result);
int ns__ajouterByLibelle ( std::string libelle, bool* result);
and this is the client
struct soap m;
FamilleProduit f;
this is the server part
int ns__ajouterByType(struct soap* soap, FamilleProduit f, bool *result){
cout<<"Ajout FamilleProduit "<<f.getLibelle()<<endl;
return SOAP_OK;
I found that always the object FamilleProduit is empty
For information i'm using the same code to send a string and i have no problem.
plz help and thank you all
I found the problem, it was in the declaration of class FamilleProduit
I must put the attribute public. I don't know why! but it works.
The new .h file
// Content of file "Test.h":
//gsoap ns service name: Test
//gsoap ns service protocol: SOAP
//gsoap ns service style: rpc
//gsoap ns service encoding: encoded
//gsoap ns schema namespace: urn:MutexColisage
class ns1__FamilleProduit
int Id;
std::string Libelle;
int getId();
void setId(int value);
std::string getLibelle();
void setLibelle(std::string value);
int ns__ajouterByType ( ns1__FamilleProduit *familleproduit, bool* result);
int ns__ajouterByLibelle ( std::string libelle, bool* result);