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Slice of structs to unsorted list with mustache

I have a struct.

type DataKey struct {
    Id        int64     `db:"id"`
    UserId    string    `db:"user_id"`
    Data      string    `db:"data"`
    CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"`

I create a slice of structs.

data := []DataKey{}

After doing a sql query and filling the slices I try to pass to mustache to build my list.

mustache.RenderFileInLayout("templates/datakeys.html.mustache", "templates/layout.html.mustache", user, data)))


<table class="table table-striped">

The only thing I get is the table header. This function does not return an error so I don't know why it didn't like the data. I have also tried passing it in as a reference.


  • Im not familiar with mustache but from looking at it I think the {{#DataKey}} is wrong.

    From the docs:




      "repo": [
        { "name": "resque" },
        { "name": "hub" },
        { "name": "rip" }



    I'd suggest trying the following

    viewModel := struct{
        items []DataKey{}
    mustache.RenderFileInLayout("templates/datakeys.html.mustache", "templates/layout.html.mustache", user, viewModel )))

    and then replace the template with


    This is untested and might not be correct, but might be worth trying. My guess is that DataKey isn't a property on the model hence it's failing to evaluate.

    Edit for more clarity: In theory

    viewModel := struct{
        items []DataKey{}

    will become

        "items": [
            {...},{...} ... etc