I have some problem with the bootstrap glyphicon.
I'm using many glyphocon on my project at the moment, but I can't use all of them.
I'll try to explain myself better.
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th-large text-primary"></span>
This on, work fine on my website, but:
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-sunglasses text-primary"></span>
this one not.
I tryed to download a clean bootstrap and and I just take the font folder and replaced the file in my project. But nothing changed.
I have this problem with some random glyphicon, not with all of them.
I really have no idea why :/
P.s. I already tryed also this: Bootstrap 3 unable to display glyphicon properly
This glyphicon is new so you need the new font. But you also need to add the correct class as well. Just changing the font-file will not add it. Replace your bootstrap.css
file or add this to your existing file:
.glyphicon-sunglasses:before {
content: "\e240";