For some reason the menuconfig menu does not come up when I try launching it from my Yocto installation. I am using the Toradex Yocto 1.6 system as is described here, with my board set to "apalis-t30". When I run either bitbake virtual/kernal -c menuconfig or bitbake linux-toradex -c menuconfig, it executes fine but finishes (without erros) before actually showing anything. Running devshell also gives the same results.
If I just use the kernel sources on their own as is described here, I can get menuconfig open using make nconfig. From the Yocto scripts it appears as if though the exact same kernel sources are being used. If I try adding adding make nconfig to the do_configure_prepend script in the file then the commands get stuck stating that the process (I assume menuconfig) is running and then provides a PID for it, but no window or menu is displayed anywhere and the task does not seem to finish.
PS. I am on Fedora 21 64-bit.
EDIT: I have now checked the default Yocto image and menuconfig comes up fine there. I am assuming that the Toradex BSP is not entirely compatible enough with Yocto for this to work out of the box. I have spoken to Toradex and they have told me that I should instead fork their kernel, modify it the normal way in my own repo and then tell the script to pull from my modified repo. I guess this could work but its a bit of a hassle and I would like to fix their Yocto system. I am assuming that this cannot be to hard as running make nconfig is usually enough, I just can't figure out how to get that command working with bitbake.
This should work fine with the meta-toradex layer. In the local.conf file, comment out the INHERIT += "rm_work" line:
#INHERIT += "rm_work"
Then do a full build of the kernel:
MACHINE=apalis-t30 bitbake virtual/kernel
Then try menuconfig now that all the sources are in place:
MACHINE=apalis-t30 bitbake -c menuconfig virtual/kernel