I am writing code to perform a k-NN search on matrices of test and training data. There are three matrices in question; the test data, the training data and matrix that is one column and contains the respective classes for each row vector of the training data. I have defined a function that when give the row of a distance matrix, pairs each distance with a class and returns the k smallest distances with their classes. Here is the function;
def closest(distanceRow, classes, k):
labeled = []
for x in range(distanceRow.shape[0]):
# | each element in the row corresponds to the distance between one training vector
# | and one test vector. Each distance is paired with its respective training
# | vector class.
labeled.append((classes[x][0], distanceRow[x]))
# | The list of pairs is sorted based on distance.
sortedLabels = labeled.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1))
k_values = []
# | k values are then taken from the beginning of the sorted list, giving us our k nearest
# | neighbours and their distance.
for x in range(k):
return k_values
When I run the code I get a type error at the line
I get TypeError: 'Nonetype' object has no attribute 'getitem' and I am unsure as to why.
Any help is much appreciated!
returns nothing (as shown here).
You have to call your_list.sort()
first and then perform operations with your_list