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HMAccessoryDelegate Method not called

I want to get value of updatable characteristics for particular accessory.

So I am using func accessory(accessory: HMAccessory!, service: HMService!, didUpdateValueForCharacteristic characteristic: HMCharacteristic!) method.

But this method is not called. Another method from same delegate is being called. What should be the problem?


  • Enabled notification for the characteristic in viewWillAppear.

    for (HMCharacteristic *thisCharacteristic in characteristicsArray) {
        if ([ containsObject:HMCharacteristicPropertySupportsEventNotification]) {
            [thisCharacteristic enableNotification:TRUE completionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
                if (error) {
                    NSLog(@"Error while enabling notification");
                else    {
                    NSLog(@"Notification enabled");

    Also Disable the notification in viewWillDisappear