i'm trying to use gSOAP to create a c++/QT server/client
this is my Test.h file
//gsoap ns service name: ColisageMutexService
//gsoap ns service style: rpc
//gsoap ns service encoding: literal
//gsoap ns service location: http://localhost:1444
//gsoap ns schema namespace: urn:ColisageMutex
class FamilleProduit
int Id;
std::string Libelle;
int getId();
void setId(int value);
std::string getLibelle();
void setLibelle(std::string value);
//gsoap ns service method-action: ajouterByType ""
int ns__ajouterByType ( FamilleProduit familleproduit, bool * result);
//gsoap ns service method-action: ajouterByLibelle ""
int ns__ajouterByLibelle ( std::string libelle, bool * result);
I run oapcpp2.exe -I -pTest Test.h
and I integrate the generated code with my project but the probleme that the compiler keep giving me errors
error: undefined reference to `ns__ajouterByType(soap*, FamilleProduit, bool*)
error: undefined reference to `ns__ajouterByLibelle(soap*, std::string, bool*)
even that i added in my main the implement of this tow function
the probleme was in the implementation of the methods I forget to put
struct soap* soap
in the definition of the methods