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How to change values in jsoncpp object

I am trying to change values in my jsoncpp object. I found multiple solutions for jsoncpp array, but so far none for jsoncpp object. What I am trying to do is:

void saveAllValues(FIELD **field, Json::Value node, unsigned int* i){

    for(Json::ValueIterator it = node.begin(); it != node.end(); it++) {
        if ((*it).isObject() || (*it).isArray()) saveAllValues(field, *it, i);
        else {
            std::string value = field_buffer(field[*i], 0); //get value from ncurses field
            *it = Json::Value(value);

So far this code does nothing. How can I change value of current node?


  • This is a C++ typo/misunderstanding, not a JsonCpp problem:

    void saveAllValues(FIELD **field, Json::Value node, unsigned int* i){

    You took the node by value.
    So no changes to it are going to have the slightest effect in the calling scope.

    Take a reference to an existing node instead:

    void saveAllValues(FIELD **field, Json::Value& node, unsigned int* i){