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Enumerating binary trees in Prolog

I am trying to create Prolog rules to enumerate 'binary trees' in list form in Prolog. I am new to Prolog.

A tree with 0 nodes is an empty list:


A tree with 1 node is:


A tree with 2 nodes has 2 possibilities:



and so on.

Here are my rules:

bintree(N,[Lc,Rc]) :-
  N > 1,
  N1 >= 0,
  N2 >= 0,
  N3 is N1+N2+1,

Queries for 0 and 1 obviously work. For N=2, it prints one of the possibilities, but gives an error after I input the semicolon to get the other possibility. Queries for N>2 directly give an error. The error is always the same:

ERROR: >/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated

I read about this error on some websites, but I can't figure out what is causing this error here.

Thanks for your help in advance.


  • Using the CLPFD library will help give a clean solution to generating the sizes. Then you don't need a wonky (;)) integer/1 predicate, which can be problematic:

    :- use_module(library(clpfd)).
    bintree(N, [L, R]) :-
        N #> 1,
        N #= N1 + N2 + 1,
        N1 #>= 0, N2 #>= 0,
        bintree(N1, L), bintree(N2, R).

    Or simpler (thanks to @repeat's suggestion):

    bintree(N, [L, R]) :-
        N #> 0,
        N #= N1 + N2 + 1,
        N1 #>= 0, N2 #>= 0,
        bintree(N1, L), bintree(N2, R).
    ?- bintree(4, L).
    L = [[], [[], [[], [[], []]]]] ;
    L = [[], [[], [[[], []], []]]] ;
    L = [[], [[[], []], [[], []]]] ;
    L = [[], [[[], [[], []]], []]] ;
    L = [[], [[[[], []], []], []]] ;
    L = [[[], []], [[], [[], []]]] ;
    L = [[[], []], [[[], []], []]] ;
    L = [[[], [[], []]], [[], []]] ;
    L = [[[], [[], [[], []]]], []] ;
    L = [[[], [[[], []], []]], []] ;
    L = [[[[], []], []], [[], []]] ;
    L = [[[[], []], [[], []]], []] ;
    L = [[[[], [[], []]], []], []] ;
    L = [[[[[], []], []], []], []] ;

    CLPFD is a nice, declarative way of expressing numeric constraints.