Angularjs version 1.3.15
I've gone ahead and set a cookie using $cookieStore.put on my page "A" and now wish to redirect the user to a new page "B" to utilize that cookie. My question is
How do I redirect a user to a known route defined in angular that results in a full page load which will read the cookie header and allow me access to my cookie?
This is the only method that I've found that works:
testControllers.controller('aController', ['$window', '$routeParams', '$cookieStore',
function($window, $routeParams, $cookieStore) {
$cookieStore.put('test', 1);
if ($routeParams.bounce && $routeParams.bounce != '') {
$window.location.href = '/#/' + $routeParams.bounce;
} else {
$window.location.href = '/#/';
However it results in a double page load and is terrible. There has to be a better way.
Thanks in advance
Page "B" is using a different controller which utilizes a directive, but I'm viewing the Resources tab in Chrome - which is how I see the cookie isn't seen by the browser yet. The directive I'm looking to view the cookie in:
.controller('menuDirective', ['$scope', '$cookieStore',
function($scope, $cookieStore) {
$scope.loggedin = false;
if ($cookieStore.get('loggedin')) {
$scope.loggedin = true;
.directive('mymenu', function() {
return {
templateUrl: 'app/shared/menu/menuView.html'
I resolved this by having an if statement at the top of my login controller that checked for the existence of the cookie, and if it was there to do a location.path change. Then in my POST response to login which sets the login cookie simply do a window.location.reload(true); which will trigger the page refresh, populate the cookie in the browser, and allows the if statement to be hit.