How do you manage the content in CKEditor with jQuery?
I have this HTML:
<div id="ckeditor_block">
<textarea id="editor1">
<span class="sub" id="sub1" data-time-start="0">Hello </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub2" data-time-start="2">My </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub3" data-time-start="6">Name </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub4" data-time-start="8">Is </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub5" data-time-start="12">Zoob</span>
My JS:
var textarea;
$(document).ready(function () {
textarea = $('#ckeditor_block').find('textarea').attr('id');
function ckeditor_init() {
CKEDITOR.replace(textarea, {
language: 'fr',
allowedContent: true
Until this point, this works nice.
Now how can I simply, in the CKeditor iframe or whatever, select for example the span
with the ID
= sub3
and after that get its content (here : Name
) and its attribute data-time-start
(here : 6
Moreover, in a loop, how can I select each element with the class sub
Something like this, but with method of CKEDITOR:
$.each($(CKEditor.getBody()).find(".sub"), function () { // How select SUB class name in CKEDITOR ??
var d = $(this).attr("data-time-start"); // HOW SELECT FOR EACH 'SUB' HIS data-time-sart attribute in CKEDITOR ??
$(".st").removeClass("active"); // HOW REMOVE CLASS FOR ALL class 'SUB' in CKEDITOR ??
$(this).addClass("active"); // HOW ADD CLASS 'active' TO THIS 'SUB' in CKEDITOR ??
I tried to get the content like that, but after. How do I do this?
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances[textarea];
var $dataCkeditor = editor.getData();
i clone ur project on my desktop, and it work for me! But in Fiddle IT does not work! Be careful! I dont know why, but in fiddle it just dont work, try that:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="ckeditor_block">
<textarea id="editor1"> <span class="sub" id="sub1" data-time-start="0">Hello </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub2" data-time-start="2">My </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub3" data-time-start="6">Name </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub4" data-time-start="8">Is </span>
<span class="sub" id="sub5" data-time-start="12">Zoob</span>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var textarea;
$(document).ready(function () {
textarea = $('#ckeditor_block').find('textarea').attr('id');
CKEDITOR.replace(textarea, {
language: 'fr',
uiColor: '#9AB8F3',
allowedContent: true,
disallowedContent: 'script; *[on*]',
toolbar: [
['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', '-', 'TextColor', '-', 'RemoveFormat'],
['Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', '-', 'Undo', 'Redo'],
['JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight'],
['Find', 'Replace', 'SelectAll'],
['Source', '-', 'Maximize', '-', 'Save']
function waitInit(){
var subs = $( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.window.getFrame().$ ).contents().find('.sub' );
$.each(subs, function(){
$this = $(this);
console.log("value = " + $this.text());
console.log("time = " + $this.attr('data-time-start'));
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(){ waitInit(); });
It was 2 trouble - first on fiddle, and second - we call function before ckeditor initialize, i cant find callback for init, so input timeout with a little delay, for it, i test it - all works fine!