I'm trying to get the values "6.25" and "$6.25-7.6 billion" with this query on dbpedia from Prince of Lichtenstein Foundation
SELECT ?Value1 ?Value2 WHERE {
?Value1 dbpedia-owl:assetUnderManagement category:Prince_of_Liechtenstein_Foundation.
?Value2 <http://dbpedia.org/property/aum> <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Prince_of_Liechtenstein_Foundation>.
Do I have an error in the code? Or am I using a wrong syntax?
Thank you very much!
The syntax is correct, but the direction is wrong.
SELECT distinct * WHERE {
dbpedia:Prince_of_Liechtenstein_Foundation dbpedia-owl:assetUnderManagement ?value1.
dbpedia:Prince_of_Liechtenstein_Foundation dbpprop:aum ?value2.