Hi I am having problem with a python Module installation. I want to install a python module pycups in bitnami odoo stack v8. but when i try to install it, It is installed in ubuntu's own python directory. How to direct the bitnami's python to look for default python's library? Also if there is another way to install pycups in bitnami's own stack. Will it work if i copy and paste the directory of pycups from ubuntu's python directory to bitnami's python directory?
To install an internal dependency in bitnami Odoo stack:
Go to /../odoo-8.0-6/python/bin/ Run from there the executable "python2.7" (Do not run native python shell. i.e. from command prompt or terminal.). Instead run python shell from above directory.
In Python type:
from subprocess import call
call("pip install your_dependency_name",shell=True)
call("pip install psycopg2",shell=True)
It will install package psycopg2 within the do stack.