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before_begin implementation of forward_list

How is the before_begin method implemented in the context of a std::forward_list?

I have tried something like this:

template <class _Tp>
typename forward_list<_Tp>::iterator forward_list<_Tp>::before_begin() NOEXCEPT {
  return forward_list_iterator<_Tp>(new forward_list_node<_Tp>(_Tp(), m_pHead));

template <class _Tp>
typename forward_list<_Tp>::const_iterator forward_list<_Tp>::before_begin() const NOEXCEPT {
  return forward_list_const_iterator<_Tp>(new forward_list_node<_Tp>(_Tp(), m_pHead));

What I understood is that the before_begin method shall be used when calling insert_after emplace_after etc. Thus I made the method return an iterator to a new node that points to m_pHead and has a default value for the template type _Tp. However, I am unsure about two things:

1) As I am using templates, how can I get the default value? Is _Tp() a legal expression in order to get the default value for the specific type (with both primitive and user-defined types)?

2) As this method returns an iterator before m_pHead, if I call one of the insert_after overloaded methods with before_begin as the first argument, wouldn't I end up having the data inserted in the list, but without having the m_pHead updated?

My implementation of (one of the four overloads of) insert_after is as follows:

template <class _Tp>
void forward_list<_Tp>::insert_after(const_iterator _position, const _Tp& _value) {
  forward_list_node<_Tp>* _node = new forward_list_node<_Tp>(_value, _position.m_pNode->m_pNext);
  _position.m_pNode->m_pNext = _node;

Thank you very much for taking your time. :)

EDIT: According to the code in the link from T.C.'s answer, the before_begin should be implemented like this:

iterator before_begin() { return iterator(&head); }

However, this is how my begin is implemented:

template <class _Tp>
typename forward_list<_Tp>::iterator forward_list<_Tp>::begin() NOEXCEPT {
  return forward_list_iterator<_Tp>(m_pHead);

I don't really get how the before_begin implementation above should work (either that, or my insert_after is not written correctly).

EDIT 2: From what I understand so far, the before_begin should return the m_pHead and the begin should return m_pHead->m_pNext.. That doesn't really make much sense, as begin should implicitly refer to m_pHead, but it is a workaround I guess.


  • The basic idea is this:

    struct node_base {
        node_base * next;
    template<class T>
    struct node : node_base {
        T value;
    template<class T>
    struct forward_list_iter {
        forward_list_iter(node_base *pn) : pnode(pn) { }
        T& operator*() const { return static_cast<node<T>*>(pnode)->value; }
        forward_list_iter& operator++() { pnode = pnode->next; return *this; }
        // other stuff
        node_base* pnode;
    template<class T>
    struct forward_list {
        node_base head;
        forward_list_iter<T> before_begin() { 
            return forward_list_iter<T>(&head); 
        forward_list_iter<T> begin() { 
            return forward_list_iter<T>(; 
        // other stuff

    The head node is embedded in the forward_list itself, and is just a node_base, which just contains just a pointer to the next node. All other nodes are actually node<T>s, which derive from node_base and stores a value of type T. The iterator stores a node_base *, and casts it to a node<T> * when dereferenced. before_begin() points to head; begin() points to, which is actually the first node to contain a value.