I have this plot that I made using contourf
This is a microscopic picture where I am trying to get the orientation of each ply. I have made a colormap where i have a constant color for each 10 degree. So basically i am kind of assuming a constant color correspond to a constant ply. Now I would like to calculate the area of each ply. I have no idea how to do that. So first i want to be able to ask matlab to tell me ok the area for 0 to 10 degree is XX(in pixel^2). But second I want to be able to specify a single ply. because there are several regions for 0 to 10, but I want to know the area of each one.
Do you know if that is possible? Cheers D
EDIT So i used your suggestion, and I get something like this Ok so I did it, with one picture and like I get this for example
R =
Columns 1 through 3
[32x1 struct] [450x1 struct] [1110x1 struct]
Columns 4 through 6
[1978x1 struct] [2778x1 struct] [3392x1 struct]
Columns 7 through 9
[5249x1 struct] [8215x1 struct] [15711x1 struct]
Columns 10 through 12
[12019x1 struct] [5335x1 struct] [2643x1 struct]
Columns 13 through 15
[1804x1 struct] [1018x1 struct] [670x1 struct]
Columns 16 through 18
[579x1 struct] [344x1 struct] [50x1 struct]
I want to be able to get something like this (from matlab help) but for the area
stats =
Centroid MajorAxisLength MinorAxisLength
________________ _______________ _______________
256.5 256.5 834.46 834.46
300 120 81.759 81.759
330.47 369.83 111.78 110.36
450 240 101.72 101.72
Also I saw on matlab you can replot around the regions, like here Get centers and radii of the circles.
centers = stats.Centroid;
diameters = mean([stats.MajorAxisLength stats.MinorAxisLength],2);
radii = diameters/2;
Plot the circles.
hold on
hold off
and they go from this image to that:
I would quite like to do that as well for each region.
is for display, and in my opinion it is not the best solution for your problem. Here is a solution based on regionprops
(from the Image Processing Toolbox):
Suppose A
contains your original array / image
angs = -90:10:90;
for i = 1:numel(angs)-1
BW = A>=angs(i) & A<angs(i+1);
R{i} = regionprops(BW, 'Area');
For each interval, R{i}
will contain a structure with as many elements as distinct regions and a field Area
, in number of pixels.
Hope this helps,