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How to get the slide direction of pivot item?

I have a pivot control with pivot items on windows phone 8.1. I know how to get the current pivot item by the method SelectedIndex but I need to know on which pivot item I was before the current one.

I've heard about Gesture caching or ManipulationCompleted? I need to know which direction was used to slide on the current pivot item? Does somebody know how to achieve that?


  • If you need to know the previous index, you can take advantage of SelectionChanged event. For example like this:

    // somewhere in constructor
    MyPivot.SelectionChanged += MyPivot_SelectionChanged;
    int previousIndex;
    private void MyPivot_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        previousIndex = MyPivot.Items.IndexOf(e.RemovedItems.FirstOrDefault());
        Debug.WriteLine("Previous index: {0}", previousIndex);

    If you have more items in your Pivot than two, then this method will also allow you to identify the direction of the swipe gesture.