I have a pivot control with pivot items on windows phone 8.1. I know how to get the current pivot item by the method SelectedIndex but I need to know on which pivot item I was before the current one.
I've heard about Gesture caching or ManipulationCompleted? I need to know which direction was used to slide on the current pivot item? Does somebody know how to achieve that?
If you need to know the previous index, you can take advantage of SelectionChanged event. For example like this:
// somewhere in constructor
MyPivot.SelectionChanged += MyPivot_SelectionChanged;
int previousIndex;
private void MyPivot_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
previousIndex = MyPivot.Items.IndexOf(e.RemovedItems.FirstOrDefault());
Debug.WriteLine("Previous index: {0}", previousIndex);
If you have more items in your Pivot than two, then this method will also allow you to identify the direction of the swipe gesture.