The whole point of what I am doing is I need to create a master XML from multiple CSV files located in multiple subfolders within one master folder.
This is what I am using right now, but it seems to overwrite and creates an xml for only the last CSV...
String AudioDir = @"C:\XMLFILES";
DirectoryInfo AudiodirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(AudioDir);
if (AudiodirInfo.Exists == false)
List<String> AudioXMLFiles = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\LOGGER AUDIO", "*.csv*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
XElement audxml = null;
foreach (string file in AudioXMLFiles)
string[] lines2 = File.ReadAllLines(file);
audxml = new XElement("root",
from str in lines2
let columns = str.Split(',')
select new XElement("recording_info",
new XElement("recorded_accound_id", columns[1]),
new XElement("date_created_ts", String.Format("{0:####-##-## ##:##:##}", Convert.ToInt64(columns[2] + columns[3]))),
new XElement("recorded_cid", columns[9]),//1
new XElement("recording_tag", columns[1]),
new XElement("filename", columns[1] + "_" + columns[2] + "_" + columns[3]),
new XElement("record", columns[3]),//Record in TimeoutException format
new XElement("from_caller_id", columns[10] + " <" + columns[8] + ">")
You're overwriting audxml in each iteration of the foreach. What you probably want is to create a root node outside the loop and then add each file's xml output to that root node.
XElement audxml = new XElement("root");
foreach (string file in AudioXMLFiles)
string[] lines2 = File.ReadAllLines(file);
XElement filexml = new XElement("root",
from str in lines2
let columns = str.Split(',')
select new XElement("recording_info",
new XElement("recorded_accound_id", columns[1]),
new XElement("date_created_ts", String.Format("{0:####-##-## ##:##:##}", Convert.ToInt64(columns[2] + columns[3]))),
new XElement("recorded_cid", columns[9]),//1
new XElement("recording_tag", columns[1]),
new XElement("filename", columns[1] + "_" + columns[2] + "_" + columns[3]),
new XElement("record", columns[3]),//Record in TimeoutException format
new XElement("from_caller_id", columns[10] + " <" + columns[8] + ">")