I am having a typical issue with using checkboxes. What I have is Employees and Skills. Each Employee can have many skills, and skills can belong to many Employees. This makes it a many to many relationship.
This are my Domain classes
class Skill {
String name
static hasMany = [users:Employee, resources:Resource]
static belongsTo = [Employee]
static constraints = {
name unique: true, nullable: false, blank: false
String toString() { return name }
String getDisplayName() { return name }
class Employee {
String name
String surname
Date birthdate
BigDecimal salary
Address address
static hasMany = [skills: Skill]
static belongsTo = [team:Team]
static constraints = {
address nullable: false, blank: false
name nullable: false, blank: false, matches: '[a-zA-Z\\-\'\\s]+'
surname nullable: false, blank: false, matches: '[a-zA-Z\\-\'\\s]+'
skills nullable: true, blank: true
salary nullable: false, min: 16000.0, max: 60000.0
team nullable: true
birthdate max:new Date(use(TimeCategory){18.years.ago.getTime()})
String toString() { return "\nEmployee Information:\n Name: $name\n Surname: $surname\n " +
"Date of Birth: $birthdate\n Salary: $salary\n"}
Employee domain works fine, I can create an employee with an address without any issues.
But when I try to add a skills to an employee, it doesn't do what I tell it too. For instance, when I check two particular skills, it try to run and save, it would add all of the skills to the employee.
How do I tell the controller to only add what is been checked.
This is my code in the controller
def create() {
params.each { println("$it.key -> $it.value") }
def employee = new Employee(params)
def address = new Address(params)
def skills = Skill.list()
if (params["create"]) {
if (address.validate()) {
employee.address = address
skills.each { skill -> if (params["s"] != null ) {
if (employee.validate()) {
flash.message = "Employee has been successfully created"
redirect(action: "index")
} else {
flash.message = "Ooops Error!!!!"
render(view: "create", model: [employee: employee, address: address, skill: skills])
[employee: employee, address: address, skill: skills]
This is my create.gsp
<div class="col-md-6">
<label>Select Your Competences:</label>
<g:each in="${skill}" var="s" status="i">
<g:checkBox name="s" value="${s.id}" checked="false"/>
<label for="s">${s.name}</label>
modify your gsp as :
<label>Select Your Competences:</label>
<g:each in="${Skill.list()}" var="skill" status="i">
<g:checkBox name="s.${skill}" value="${skill.id}" checked="false"/>
<label for="s">${skill}</label>
when you submitt this form you will get a params on your controller having values like this : [skill:[_MsOffice:'', MsOffice:1, Managing:10, AgileCoach:3, _Coding:'']
to get the ids of the checked values from the params do the following on your controller:
List<Long> skillIds = new ArrayList<Long>()
params.skill?.each { s ->
if(!s.getKey().startsWith("_")) {
now on skillIds
list you have a list of Skill
ids for an Employee
then pass this to your service and fetch skills to add to an Employee
(using Skill.getAll(skillIds)
or some other gorm operation)
you can see example here http://groovyconsole.appspot.com/script/5722903798611968