I'm working on a project that has both static web pages and also HTML Email templates.
As you probably know, HTML Emails require all CSS to be inlined which is a huge pain to manage. Most people use Premailer to handle this automatically - https://github.com/premailer/premailer
How would I go about using premailer with Jekyll for a certain layout?
Would it be possible to use premailer via a plugin?
Yes you can !
After you have premailer
installed you can make a jekyll plugin like this one :
require 'premailer'
module Jekyll
class Site
# create an alias for the overriden site::write method
alias orig_write write
# we override the site::write method
def write
# first call the overriden write method,
# in order to be sure to find generated css
# layout name we are looking for in pages/post front matter
# this can come from site config
@layout = 'post'
# this the css that will be inlined
# this can come from site config
@css_path = '/css/main.css'
# look for generated css file content
@cssPages = pages.select{ |page|
page.destination(dest).include? @css_path
# look again in pages and posts
# to generate newsletters with premailer
newsletters = [posts, pages].flatten.select{ |page_or_post|
page_or_post.data['layout'] == @layout
newsletters.each do |newsletter|
newsletter.output = Premailer.new(
# declare that we pass page html as a string not an url
:with_html_string => true,
# also pass css content as a string
:css_string => @cssPages.join,
# rewrite the newsletter with inlined css
This is a general idea about how to integrate premailer
with Jekyll.
The code can certainly be improved.
Note: I've decided not to use a Generator plugin because when generators are called, sass and scss files are still not parsed and generated css is not available.