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torch7 neural network training error

I'm trying to implement a neural network example in torch7. my data is stored in a text file in this form [19 cols x 10000 rows] :

11 38 20 44 11 38 21 44 29 42 30 44 34 38  6 34 45 42 1
11 38 20 44 11 38 27 44 31 42 18 44 34 38  6 34 45 42 2
6  42 20 44 11 38 21 44 29 42 30 44 34 38  6 34 45 42 3
34 40 20 44 11 38 21 44 29 38 30 38 34 45 38  0  0  0 100

With labels in last column [100 labels].

With this code :

require 'nn'
-- ======================================= --
--           Start loading data   
-- ======================================= --
print '[INFO] Loading data..'
dataset = {}
function dataset:size() return 10000 end 
local lin = 1

train_file = 'train_10000.t7'
local file =
if file then
    for line in file:lines() do
            local input = torch.Tensor(18);
            local output = torch.Tensor(1);

        local X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10, X11, X12, X13, X14, X15, X16, X17, X18, Y = unpack(line:split(" "))                

        input  = {X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10, X11, X12, X13, X14, X15, X16, X17, X18}
        output = Y

        dataset[lin] = {input, output}        
        lin = lin +1        
-- ======================================= --
--                 Create NN   
-- ======================================= --
print '[INFO] Creating NN..'
mlp = nn.Sequential();  -- make a multi-layer perceptron
inputs = 18; outputs = 1; HUs = 25; -- parameters
mlp:add(nn.Linear(inputs, HUs))
mlp:add(nn.Linear(HUs, outputs))
-- ======================================= --
--           MSE and Training  
-- ======================================= --
print '[INFO] MSE and train NN..'
criterion = nn.MSECriterion()  
trainer = nn.StochasticGradient(mlp, criterion)
trainer.learningRate = 0.01

I got this error message:

# StochasticGradient: training  
/home/yosaikan/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Linear.lua:34: attempt to call method 'dim' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    /home/yosaikan/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Linear.lua:34: in function 'updateOutput'
    ...e/yosaikan/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/Sequential.lua:25: in function 'forward' in function 'train'
    iparseSchemeConversion.lua:45: in main chunk
    [C]: in function 'f'
    [string "local f = function() return dofile 'iparseSch..."]:1: in main chunk
    [C]: in function 'xpcall'
    /home/yosaikan/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/itorch/main.lua:174: in function </home/yosaikan/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/itorch/main.lua:140>
    /home/yosaikan/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/lzmq/poller.lua:75: in function 'poll'
    .../yosaikan/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/lzmq/impl/loop.lua:307: in function 'poll'
    .../yosaikan/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/lzmq/impl/loop.lua:325: in function 'sleep_ex'
    .../yosaikan/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/lzmq/impl/loop.lua:370: in function 'start'
    /home/yosaikan/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/itorch/main.lua:341: in main chunk
    [C]: in function 'require'
    (command line):1: in main chunk
    [C]: at 0x00405980

Can you please help me ?

Thank you.


  • I got this error message [...] Can you please help me?

    Within your dataset input and output should be Tensor-s (here input is a plain Lua table which is why you obtain this error, i.e there is no dim method).

    To simplify data loading I recommend you to use a csv parser, e.g you can use csv2tensor to load your data into a Tensor.

    First make sure to add a header (as first line) to your file like:


    Then load your data as follow:

    local csv2tensor = require 'csv2tensor'
    local inputs = csv2tensor.load("data.csv", {exclude={"label"}})
    local labels = csv2tensor.load("data.csv", {include={"label"}})
    local dataset = {}
    for i=1,inputs:size(1) do
      dataset[i] = {inputs[i], torch.Tensor{labels[i]}}
    dataset.size = function(self)
      return inputs:size(1)

    And use this dataset for training:

    -- ...