I have inherited a legacy reporting tool and have a denormalised table, that stores the ids of a team of sale guys, as well as fields describing their details.
The table is like this (simplified number of fields here):
Table Salers: salerId, fieldId, value
And we have data like
(1, 1, Doe), (1, 2, John), (2, 1, Smith), (2, 2, Robert), (3, 1, White), (3, 2, Alan)
I need to get the list of salers sorted by last name and first name.
I am not a SQL expert and I cannot figure out how to get this in a generic way (because the table contains much more than firstname and last names types of fields).
In addition I am using JPA on top of the DB, and have a Class describing these fields. I still don't see how I could write such a query with JPA.
class SaleInformation {
private int salerID;
private int fieldID;
private String value;
Any idea?
Thanks in advance
I can help You just in the SQL code:
select salerID, [2] LastName, [1] FirstName
from Salers s
max(value) for fieldID in ([1], [2])
) Result
order by [2], [1]
OR if You can't use the PIVOT operator:
select ISNULL(FirstName.salerID, LastName.salerID) salerID
, LastName.value LastName
, FirstName.value FirstName
from (
select *
from Salers s
where s.fieldID = 1) FirstName
full outer join (
select *
from Salers s
where s.fieldID = 2) LastName on FirstName.salerID = LastName.salerID
order by LastName.value, FirstName.value