i try to change the calendar type in dateTimePicker from gregorian to hijri but i cant cuz the system calender type it's gregorian .
i try this code
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("ar-SA");
DateTimeFormatInfo info = ci.DateTimeFormat;
dateTimePicker1.Format = System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
dateTimePicker1.CustomFormat = info.ShortDatePattern + " " + info.ShortTimePattern;
but not working !?
how i can change it in my App?
From MSDN:
The DateTimePicker control only supports Gregorian calendars.
But you can create a custom calendar, check out these articles (C#):
ASP.NET DatePicker User Control (Hijri / Gregorian)
How to create a Hijri Calendar control in .Net Framework 2.0