How to find out values starting with alphabets.
I have data
From the above I would like to have ZklM
and hOP
How can I do this?
The obvious answer is upgrade if at all possible. I can't even find the date that extended support ended for 8i; for 9i it was 2007-07-31, almost 8 years ago.
Failing that, you're simply going to have to enumerate all the characters you want to accept; either something like this, which is overly long:
select *
from ...
where lower(substr(prod_code, 1, 1)) in ('a', 'b', ..., 'z')
Or this, which is less obvious but smaller:
select *
from ...
where trim(translate(lower(substr(prod_code, 1, 1))
, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', ' ')) is null
Alternatively, you could create a table with the characters you want to accept and join:
select *
from ... a
, alphabet b
where substr(a.prod_code, 1, 1) = b.character
Lastly, you could use the ASCII()
function, which I'm fairly sure existed in 8i
select *
from ...
where ascii(lower(substr(a.prod_code, 1, 1))) between 97 and 122
I explicitly lower case in most of these situations to make life easier; if you want this indexed you're going to have a functional index anyway and an additional LOWER()
isn't going to make much difference.