I'm trying to select nodes which don't contain any text. This bit of php code skips the empty node in the sample xml. However, when I try an online tester (like http://freeformatter.com/xpath-tester.html) it doesn't have any problem.
Is this a PHP thing?
My php code:
$path = "//RecipeSteps/RecipeStep[not(text())]";
$stepsQuery = $this->xpath->query($path);
$numResults = $stepsQuery->length;
My sample xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RecipeStep number="1">Dummy content</RecipeStep>
<RecipeStep number="2">Dummy content</RecipeStep>
<RecipeStep number="3">Dummy content</RecipeStep>
<RecipeStep number="4">Dummy content</RecipeStep>
<RecipeStep number="5">Dummy content</RecipeStep>
<RecipeStep number="6"></RecipeStep>
<RecipeStep number="7">Variations</RecipeStep>
<RecipeStep number="8">Some variation content..</RecipeStep>
If you are looking for a XPATH solution, use //RecipeSteps/(RecipeStep[string-length() = 0])
$path = "//RecipeSteps/(RecipeStep[string-length() = 0])";
$stepsQuery = $this->xpath->query($path);
$numResults = $stepsQuery->length;