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Create custom grid system width defined column widths

The bootstrap 3 grid system targets 4 different screen resolutions, depending on their width:

  • Large / col-lg (>= 1200px width)
  • Medium / col-md (992px - 1199px)
  • Small / col-sm (768px - 991px)
  • Extra Small / col-xs (<768px)

I find that these resolutions do not represent the user group of my webapp. For example Medium and Small combined is used by less than 5 % of my user base (meaning less than 5 % of my users have a screen resolution width of 768px to 1199px).

I would rather target the following 4 different resolutions:

  • ExtraLarge (>= 1600px width)
  • Large (1200px - 1599px)
  • SmallMedium (600 - 1199px)
  • MobileSmall (<= 599px)

So I not only like to add an extra large set but also change / replace the medium, small and extra small one.

Has anybody run into similiar issues? I would love to use a grid generator where I input my custom grid widths and get out the CSS code.


  • You can customize pretty much every aspect of Bootstrap using the customization section of the official site.

    That link takes you directly to the grid system items.

    Enter your values, and download your custom version of Bootstrap. Even includes a JSON file with your settings so you can re-import them later and make adjustments.