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Android Circular Timer

I want to create a timer that will fill a circle with a certain animation (the ring fills in with a specific color). The effect I want to achieve is this:

enter image description here

Can someone tell me how can I achieve this effect?


  • For creating custom components, please check Android API Guide. Excerpt for Basic Approach:

    1. Extend an existing View class or subclass with your own class.
    2. Override some of the methods from the superclass. The superclass methods to override start with 'on', for example, onDraw(), onMeasure(), and onKeyDown(). This is similar to the on... events in Activity or ListActivity that you override for lifecycle and other functionality hooks.
    3. Use your new extension class. Once completed, your new extension class can be used in place of the view upon which it was based.

    For create circular progress bar,

    check custom library at, this should get you started.

    Some related SO links,

    Android Countdown Timer Circular Progress Bar doesn't match with timer