I have an equation with four variables, only 3 need to be defined for the program to run. When 3 of the parameters have been defined (via lineedits in my GUI) I'd like the fourth to be greyed out. I only know how to link two parameters at the moment by disabling one lineedit when another is edited. e.g.
void WaveformGen::on_samples_textEdited(const QString &arg1)
So when samples is edited I disable another lineedit called cycles
Using one single slot:
class WaveformGen {
QList<QLineEdit *> m_lineEdits;
private slots:
void lineEditTextEdited(const QString &text);
// create an ordered list of line edits:
m_lineEdits << ui->lineEdit1 << ui->lineEdit2 << ui->lineEdit3 << ui->lineEdit4;
// connect all to same slot:
foreach(QLineEdit *lineEdit, m_lineEdits) {
connect(lineEdit, SIGNAL(textEdited(const QString &)), this, SLOT(lineEditTextEdited(const QString &)));
void WaveformGen::lineEditTextEdited(const QString &str)
// iterate over all lineEdits:
for (int i = 0; i < m_lineEdits.count() - 1; ++i) {
// enable the next lineEdit if the previous one has some text and not disabled
m_lineEdits.at(i+1)->setEnabled(!m_lineEdits.at(i)->text().isEmpty() && m_lineEdits.at(i)->isEnabled());