I use following code to find roots of functions using a simple bisection algorithm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef float (*continous_function)(float);
static const float epsilon = 0.0000001;
#if __STDC__
static __inline float fabsf(float x)
return x >=0 ? x : -1*x;
#include <math.h>
float poly_1(float x)
return x*x*x+2*x*x+3;
float poly_2(float x)
return 2*x + 3;
float poly_3(float x)
return 5*x*x*x*x*x+3*x*x*x+2*x+7;
static __inline void swap_in_place(float *a, float *b)
float tmp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = tmp;
float bisection_root(continous_function f, float a, float b)
float neg = f(a);
float pos = f(b);
float c = 0.5 * (a + b);
float mid;
if (neg * pos > 0) {
/* neg and pos should have different sizes */
if (neg > 0) {
/* Ensure f(a)=neg is negative */
swap_in_place(&neg, &pos);
swap_in_place(&a, &b);
mid = f(c);
if (fabsf(mid) < epsilon) {
return c;
} else {
if (mid > 0)
return bisection_root(f, a, c);
return bisection_root(f, c, b);
int main()
float a = -5;
float b = 2;
printf("Root of x^3+2*x^2+3 is %f\n", bisection_root(poly_1,a,b));
float a = -2;
float b = 0;
printf("Root of 2*x+3 is %f\n", bisection_root(poly_2,a,b));
float a = -1;
float b = 0;
printf("Root of 5*x^5+3*x^3+2*x+7 is %f\n", bisection_root(poly_3,a,b));
return 0;
This program cause segmentation fault when compiled on windows xp (32-bit) using mingw gcc.
When the number of decimal digits of epsilon
decreased, segmentation fault can be avoided. Therefore, I conclude that segmentation fault have something to do with an overflow.
I would like to know why and how exactly this error occurs so that I can find a reliable way to set epsilon or fix other errors that might cause the problem.
static const float epsilon = 0.0000001;
There does not need to be a float for which the value of your polynomial is at distance epsilon
from 0. In particular if the root is for largish values of x
, the polynomial may jump from being less than -epsilon
to being more than +epsilon
between one float and its successor.
In this case, and in many others, your algorithm will loop, Since you implemented it with recursion and C compilers usually do not guarantee tail-call optimization, this infinite loop can result in a segmentation fault (when the stack becomes full).
The solution, applicable whether you use recursion or a simple while
loop, is to limit the number of iterations.
Note: you should read about Horner's scheme for computing polynomials.