Hi I need to achieve a horizontal image scroller in which the images towards the centre will be zoomed more.
I could achieve somewhat close with horizontal listview and Circular drawable. Now I nedd means to give a focus to items in centre by applying a zoom How can this be achieved ?
This is what I have done so far
Thank You
Sorry that time by mistake half answer got posted, i am not sure with values but logic is proper , just calculate the mid element in onscroll listener and get the view and apply the animation.
This should be implemented in your onScrollListener of your listview.
public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem,
int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
int start = firstVisibleItem ;
int end = start + visibleItemCount ;
// calculate the mid element
int midElement = start + visibleItemCount/2;
View imageView = getchildAt(midElement - start);
//apply animation